Alexander Kedrin » Historical

Archive for the 'Historical' Category

Dec 07 2017

Book: The Formulae of Creation – Aleksander Kedrin

Published by under book,Historical,Paintings

Book: The Formulae of Creation Aleksander Kedrin (PDF)

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Feb 26 2016

The Formula of Creation

Download Alexander Kedrin’s Book: The Formula of Creation

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Nov 01 2013

Best friends

Published by under Historical

Sasha Kedrin and Garry Zilberman (Tashkent, 1989)

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May 01 2013

1972 Photo

Published by under Historical

Alexander Kedrin in his basement studio 1972

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Apr 29 2013

1983 Exhibit at the Union of Architects, Leningrad

Published by under Ceramics,Historical

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Mar 22 2013

Ceramics 1967-1986

Published by under Ceramics,Historical

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Jun 22 2008

From the Archive

Published by under Ceramics,Historical

The year is 1968, the works were sold to a local tea house “Choihana” in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in the “Victory” Park. Six large plates were ordered and placed in central room of the tea house, on the wall, that is itself covered with ceramic tiles. This was the first series of ceramic ornamental plates, with […]

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