May 30 2023
Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category
May 14 2013
Norton Dodge
Norton Dodge A friend of Russian nonconformist artists visiting Alexander Kedrin’s home (New York 2002) Â
Sep 12 2009
Works from the 1950’s
Early works from the 50’s were more representational. ” In the 1950’s and 1960’s I was in my 20’s and I’ve tried to make a living as a painter. I painted stillife pieces which were sold through an art studio (which was state-sanctioned gallery ran through the artists’ union). I painted several stillifes on canvas […]
Sep 10 2009
New Video to be online shortly
This is part 1 of the 4-part video to be uploaded . It is entirely in Russian, I will try to add subtitles later.
Aug 01 2009
More images are being added
Currently, I have updated the 1970’s gallery by including a large number of oil on cardboard works. I have included the gallery below, and it will have a permanent home on the right side (1970’s tab).
Jun 03 2009
Recent scans
I have found several images that were 35mm slides, and have decided to scan them in. Descriptions of the works will be added shortly as well.
Jul 06 2008
From the Archive #3.- “Bakhor” relief
“Bakhor” (meaning “spring” in Uzbek language) ceramic sculpture was made in 1977, and installed inside the cafe of “Yulduz” sewing factory in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 2×5 Meters each (depth 35-40 centimeters), two similar reliefs/sculptures standing next to each other. This was the first abstract (non-figurative) sculpture in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, which at the time wa part of […]